Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple I Page 7
Licking her lips, she forced her gaze away from his cock and tilted her head to look into his dark eyes. “You said I’d stolen your manhood. If that’s all that’s left…” She bit back the nervous laughter that almost choked her.
He grasped her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Oh, you’ve taken something very important from me. Something I fully intend to get back. Right now, though, I want you to suck it. I want you to take it in your mouth and make me come.”
If this be torture…
Her thighs slick with fluid, pussy clenching in frustration, Bry went to her knees in front of him and slowly, carefully, pressed her lips around the huge, plum-colored tip.
His size stretched her mouth wide. She slid her lips along his huge penis, taking as much of him as she could inside her mouth.
Swallowing all of his cock was impossible.
She sighed and lay her cheek against his hair-roughened thigh. Goddess, but she could almost come just from the taste of him!
She suckled for a moment, then nibbled the length of him, drawing first one, then the other testicle into her mouth. He spread his legs wider, allowing her more access, but it was awkward, kneeling here, wanting so much more.
Clasping her hand around his cock, she guided him to follow her as she lay back on the bunk. He crawled over her body and raised up on his hands and knees, his huge cock pressed against her cheek. Her pussy throbbed at the close proximity of his mouth, but he lay his head on her thigh and avoided touching her between the legs.
A soft sigh escaped her lips. She concentrated on his pleasure, suckling his cock, licking the hot length of him, nipping at his balls and drawing them completely into her mouth, one side at a time. All the while, her hips swayed, back and forth, silently pleading with him to touch her, to use his mouth, his hands, anything on her.
Anything to give her the release her body craved.
His cock grew harder still, but he seemed to have no problem at all controlling himself. Bry licked and suckled, finding his persistence more of a challenge than she’d expected. Her own frustration grew, knowing his mouth was right there, that his tongue was so close, his big hands grasping her thighs, his long fingers mere inches from her weeping pussy.
Suddenly she felt him, the lightest flick of his tongue against her clit. Arching her hips, she almost bit down on his cock, so intense was the sense of pleasure from that mere whisper of touch.
Silently begging for more, she increased the suction on his cock, kneading the taut muscles on his butt with both hands as she held him against her mouth.
His tongue flicked over her clit once more and she bucked her hips. Her low moan vibrated against the head of his cock. Frantic now, dying for his touch, she found the tight little puckered ring of his anus. She worked her fingertip back and forth, until she finally found entrance. The muscled ring clenched against her finger and he thrust his hips forward, almost gagging her with his cock.
She pushed her finger deeper. His hips jerked. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and tugged lightly at his balls with her lips. He had to be close to coming.
Bry knew she was ready to scream, her orgasm just out of reach, her pussy clenching and pulsing with frustration and need, her senses all twisted up in his taste and musky scent. She moved her finger, probing further in his tight passage, finding exactly the right spot to apply pressure.
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He didn’t come, not yet but… dear Goddess, he found her pussy with his mouth!
Bry’s world narrowed to two diverse points in her own, personal universe—the space where the Barbarian’s lips now covered her clit and the huge cock filling her mouth.
So close! Her climax hovered just at the edge of darkness. His cock strained against her lips, his hips bucked against her intrusive finger but still he didn’t come.
And somehow, somewhere deep inside, Bry knew she couldn’t either. Not until she’d given her captor his release.
Sighing, silently admitting defeat—for now—Bry pressed a kiss against the crease where his thigh met his groin and moved his hips aside. He rolled over to his back, one arm flung over his eyes, his cock erect, glistening wet and slick from her mouth.
“This is what you meant…what I did to you. Right?” She crawled up to lay beside him on the narrow bunk. “When was the last time you climaxed?”
“The night before you captured me.” Once more his voice was flat, without inflection or emotion of any kind. He turned and stared at her, his dark eyes shadowed, the scar across his chin and jaw more pronounced. “Since that time, I’ve been unable to find release with any woman…hell, even with my own hand.” He laughed, a short, angry bark that cut through Bry like shards of glass.
“That’s what you did to me. What you took from me.”
“I know you hate me, and you’ve got every right, but I promise I’ll do whatever I can to…”
His sad smile almost broke her heart. “I don’t hate you. What you did was wrong, but…I lost a sister in the trades, too. She was about the same age as yours, disappeared a few years before Janie. Her body turned up right before I took the assignment. I do understand your anger, comprehend why you believed you were doing the right thing.
Understanding, however, and getting my life back don’t necessarily go hand in hand.”
Chapter 6
Bry showered first, then the Barbarian took his turn. Dressed in light robes, they ate a small meal together, his revenge apparently forgotten. Her captor had grown more silent. His erection had finally subsided, but there’d been no release for either of them.
For Bry, the residual effect of the electrical stimulation and the man’s touch left her squirming in her chair. It was only her personal code of honor that kept her from touching herself between the loose folds of her robe and taking her own pleasure.
She didn’t think the Barbarian cared enough to stop her. Bry realized she cared enough for both of them. She’d heard of it happening, of course. Heard of victims falling in love with their kidnappers, developing a strong emotional attachment to the one who intended them harm. She looked at this man and knew she felt love for him, or at least some deep emotion masquerading as love.
Did he somehow feel the same for her? Was that convoluted tangle of emotions holding him back?
“What’s your name?” She held her fork in mid air and wondered if he’d answer.
He stared at her for a long moment without blinking. Then he sighed and lowered his own fork. “Jacob…my name is Jacob Hart. I’m 34 years old and a commander in the World Federation Special Ops division. Or I was. I’m not sure if I’ll re-enlist or not.”
He was beautiful, masculine and strong, and totally messed up. Bry sighed and set her fork down next to her plate. “Jacob, if you’ll trust me, I think I can help.”
He looked up from his plate and stared at her. “How?”
“We recreate what caused the problem. Let me restrain you, only this time, I’ll make you come. It might be against your will, but it will happen. I promise you.” She pushed her chair back and stood up. “One more thing. You’ll have a safe word. Merely tell me to stop. I give you my word that I will.”
* * * * *
Jake almost laughed aloud at the surrealistic sensation of finding himself tied flat on his back to his own bunk on his own ship. This certainly wasn’t the scene he’d imagined when he finally decided to kidnap Bry.
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He’d thought her beautiful the first time she caught him. Right now, knowing her intent was to help him, not hurt him, made her even lovelier in his eyes.
She shoved a pillow under his hips, giving her better access to him. He wondered if she’d play with his butt again. Hell, the feel of her finger up his ass had been unreal. He still couldn’t believe he hadn’t exploded in her mouth, but it hadn’t happened.
Maybe it co
uldn’t happen. Therapy certainly hadn’t helped, and he’d been to some of the best shrinks the WF had to offer. They’d tried everything. They’d…
Her soft hands forcing his knees apart, then her fingers massaging his butt drew him back to his immediate world. He raised his head to watch her when he felt her fingers slipping up the crease in his ass, rimming the tight little ring of muscle. Hell, he’d never realized just how sensitive that spot could be.
She tilted her head and looked at him from between his raised knees. Her finger pressed his ass once more, stroking sensitive muscle, and he clenched his butt tightly against her hand. He expected her to put on some of the lubricant out of the tube she’d been using, but instead she raised up on her knees and swept her finger between her own legs, catching some of her juices and spreading the liquid around his ass.
His cock twitched. He groaned and pressed his head down into the pillow. The visual alone should have made him come. He’d fantasized about her since she’d captured him, stayed hard thinking of her slight frame, the tangle of golden hair flowing across her shoulders, the matching tuft between her legs. She was thinner now, almost gaunt, but no less perfect in his eyes.
He expected her to touch him with her fingers, but she grabbed the probe he’d used on her, slipped it in and out between her own legs like a big dildo until it was slick with her juices, then rubbed it along the crease in his ass. It was still warm, either from the hot water she’d washed it in or its brief visit inside her pussy. The friction against his backside heated it even more.
Suddenly she twisted it enough to slip easily into his ass. There was no pain, merely the sensation of fullness. She pushed the smooth probe in and out of him a couple times, stroking his cock in the same, slow rhythm.
Shit. He’d never felt anything like this. He spread his legs as wide as the restraints would allow and lifted his hips, silently asking for more. Bry complied, fucking him in the ass with the smooth metal probe, sliding her fist up and down his cock.
So close…she almost had him there. She kept if up for a few more strokes, smiling at him as if she knew exactly how it felt, then she leaned over and nipped at his chest, licking first his left nipple, then the right into tight beads.
“I want you inside me, you know.” She crawled up over his thighs, straddled his abdomen and kissed him. Her fingers teased his left nipple. Her right hand still worked the probe, slowly in and out of him.
“I want you inside me, fucking me with that huge cock of yours.” Her whisper tickled his chin. She leaned over and licked the spot, dragging her tongue across his rough day-old beard. He felt her pussy, hot and wet, against his belly. His cock was 56
trapped in the crease of her ass. Her mouth tasted lush and warm, her tongue dancing with his and he was more than aware of her gently fucking his ass.
No electrical current. She said she wanted to make him come on his own, naturally, so that he’d be able to do it again. Right now she was all warm and willing woman, the same woman who had filled his nights with frustrating, fruitless hours of fantasy. Her lips were soft and sweet, and already he felt it, felt the coil of heat building in his gut, the tight clenching of his balls, the pure incandescent pleasure of climax building.
“So, you think this will help?” He had to talk, had to say something, anything, to diffuse the slow rise of pleasure, the unfamiliar sensations coursing through his body.
Bry didn’t answer. Instead, she slowly removed the probe at the same time she raised up over him, so that the sensations seemed to melt, one into the other. His cock pressed against her soft nether lips, and slowly, so slowly, she eased him into her tight passage.
Hot and wet, her muscles clenching at him, rippling over his hard cock, every bit as perfect, as lush and sensual as he’d imagined. She arched her back, driving him even deeper inside, until he felt the hard knot of her cervix, the mouth of her womb up against the head of his cock.
“More,” he whispered, begging her. “I need more.”
Whimpering, shivering, she began to move, sliding slowly up and down his erection, her muscles fluttering and rippling over him, her thick fluids easing the way.
She was beautiful, her mouth twisted in what might have been agony, but was most certainly pleasure. Her lips were parted, eyes closed, the soft pants of breath and the sucking wet sounds as she rode him a primitive music to his ears.
Her fingers dug into his pectoral muscles, her thighs gripped his sides and he knew she held her own orgasm at bay, sensed the control she exerted over her own fevered body. Suddenly she reached behind her, stretching her fingers down between his legs to grasp his balls firmly in her hand.
Oh Goddess…
Suddenly, all sensation, doubled, tripled, expanded beyond comprehension. He ripped at the shackles holding him to the bed, but the bindings held secure. He jerked his body, fighting Bry, fighting the restraints, fighting himself. “More!” he shouted, the words tearing his throat. “Harder, dammit. If you’re gonna do me, fuck me harder!”
He growled his frustration—he had to touch her, anywhere, needed to hold her, to grasp her perfect breasts between his fingers, to stroke the soft cleft between her legs.
Frantic, completely restrained, he snarled like a trapped beast, arched his hips, forcing her closer, filling her deeper.
She rode his twisting, writhing hips, her mouth contorted in a painful grimace, her breathless whimpers touching his soul. Gently, a surreal counterpoint to their frenzied coupling, her fingers massaged his balls, probing and stroking, rubbing all the right places, compressing and rolling them and it was too much. Too much. “Oh Goddess, oh…shit, oh shit…oh fuck.”
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“Come for me, dammit. Fuck me! Now!” Her sobbing demand lifted him up to the edge, held him there, balanced between pain and pleasure. Eyes closed, he let go, gave himself over to Bry—to her sweet feathered touch between his legs, the hot wet muscles rippling around his cock, the conflicting emotions of need and desire, anger and fear.
Passion consumed him, the emotion, the frustration, all coalescing into that coiling fire, the almost forgotten sensation of pleasure, pain and expectation.
“I said now!”
Ripping at the restraints, he arched his hips, driving into her just as she penetrated his ass with her finger, spearing him deep and hard. He shouted, an unintelligible cry jerked from somewhere deep in his gut. Then suddenly… coming. Good Goddess, he was coming he was… Fuck. Oh fuck…oh…fuck.
He bucked his hips, caught solidly in the almost forgotten sensation of orgasm. His cock jerked deep within her as she slammed down against him, riding him hard and fierce, her cry a high, keening wail, an incoherent litany of sound and soul-deep emotion.
“Damn you. Damn you. Damn…” Trembling, cursing, crying, she collapsed against his chest. He pulsed hard and strong, his cock trapped in the tight, rhythmic contractions of her climax. His chest heaved with each strangled gasp as he struggled to draw enough air into his starved lungs.
Still trembling, each breath caught on a throaty cry, Bry reached over his head and undid the shackles, then, still impaled on his cock, turned and released the restraints on his ankles. Before she had time to turn back, he grabbed her and shoved her roughly to her knees.
His cock slipped free, still hard. He wrapped an arm around her waist and slammed back into her hot pussy. She arched her back and cried out, a shout of triumph, not fear. “Yes!”
He plucked at her nipples, pinching them hard between his huge fingers as he drove into her. She put her head down on the bed and raised her hips higher, giving him better access. His balls slapped against her crotch.
“Harder,” she cried. “More!”
She was sobbing now, crying so hard her breath exploded in sharp gasps. There was anger here, anger and pain and years of desperation. His. Hers. It didn’t matter. He twisted her nipples harder, ramming into her without any pretense of gentleness, but she welcomed hi
m, begged him with every sob, every moan, every thrust of her hips to ease his way.
She twisted her neck to look back over her shoulder, saw once again her fallen angel, his dark hair hanging in sweaty tangles around his face, his dark eyes beneath darker lashes wild and angry, his lips slightly parted.
“Fuck you, Captain,” he shouted. “Fuck you.” He climaxed again, hard and fast, filling her pussy with hot seed, wringing yet another fierce orgasm out of her, out of 58
himself. Weeping, shoulders shaking, Bry lowered her head and collapsed beneath his weight.
Slowly, he eased himself down on her, then rolled to one side, taking her with him.
She wept, huge sobs tearing from her throat, shuddering with the final vestiges of her orgasm, her sweat-covered body curled tightly against his.
His own body trembled just as hard. Jake tucked her head under his chin, slowly stroking her back, easing her cries, kissing the tangled mass of curls. He held her until her shuddering eased, the tremors left her body and she fell into a deep, motionless sleep.
Sleep was the last thing on his mind. His shivering reaction eased, but his body still throbbed with the power of his release. His cock was blissfully flaccid—he felt replete for the first time in over two years. This was not the gentle lovemaking he had often dreamed of. No, this was possession and exorcism, pure and simple. Why, then, did his heart feel so full, his arms so right where they held her?
What next? Sighing, he kissed the tousled curls once more, felt his body relax, his muscles lose their tone. He held her close, kissed her again, then drifted into oblivion.
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Chapter 7
The bed was empty when Bry awoke. She sensed a change in pressure, knew the ship had once again entered normal space, and figured Jacob must be at the helm.
Jacob. He’d been the Barbarian for so long in her mind, it was hard to think of him with an average name. Jake. Jacob. She rolled the two around on her tongue, finding each as pleasurable as the other.